The Conference EM2022 is organized by:
- Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v. v. i.,
- Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology,
- Institute of Thermomechanics, The Czech Academy of Sciences, v. v. i.,
- ŽĎAS, a. s., Žďár nad Sázavou,
- IFTOMM Member Committee of the Czech Republic,
- Czech Society for Mechanics.
Jiří Náprstek, Dsc | ITAM, CAS, Prague, CZ (chairman) |
Prof. Ivan Baláž, PhD. | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, SK |
Prof. Miroslav Balda, DSc. | Research and Testing Institute Pilsen, CZ |
Prof. Ján Benčat, PhD. | University of Žilina, SK |
Prof. Jiří Burša, PhD. | Brno University of Technology, CZ |
Assoc. Prof. Vladimír Čech, PhD. | OPROX, a.s., Brno, CZ |
Cyril Fischer, PhD. | ITAM, CAS, Prague, CZ |
Prof. Paola Forte | University of Pisa, IT |
Assoc. Prof. Vladimír Fuis, PhD. | Brno University of Technology & IT, CAS, Brno, CZ |
Prof. Ardeshir Guran, PhD. | Institute of Structronics, Ottawa, CA |
Prof. Ivo Herle | TU Dresden, DE |
Jaromír Horáček, DSc. | Institute of Thermomechanics, CAS, Prague, CZ |
Prof. Milan Jirásek, DSc. | Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ |
Prof. Ondřej Jiroušek, PhD. | Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ |
Prof. Zdeněk Kala, PhD. | Brno University of Technology, CZ |
Prof. Zbyněk Keršner, PhD. | Brno University of Technology, CZ |
Prof. Juraj Králik, PhD. | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, SK |
Assoc. Prof. Jiří Krejsa, Ph.D. | Brno University of Technology & IT, CAS, Brno, CZ |
Prof. Martin Krejsa, PhD. | Technical University of Ostrava, CZ |
Prof. Tomáš Kruml, PhD. | Institute of Physics of Materials CAS, Brno, CZ |
Assoc. Prof. Daniel Kytýř, PhD. | ITAM, CAS, Prague, CZ |
Prof. Anne-Maria Laukkanen, PhD. | University of Tampere, FI |
Prof. Dušan Maga, PhD. | Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ |
Prof. František Maršík, DSc. | Institute of Thermomechanics, CAS, Prague, CZ |
Assoc. Prof. Adam Mazurkiewicz, PhD. | Bydgoszcz University of Sciences and Technology, PL |
Prof. Doncho Partov, PhD | University of Structural Engineering & Architecture "Lyuben Karavelov" Sofia, BG |
Prof. Kazimierz Peszynski, PhD. | Univ. of Technol. and Life Science, Bydgoszcz, PL |
Prof. Jindřich Petruška, PhD. | Brno University of Technology, CZ |
Jiří Plešek, PhD. | Institute of Thermomechanics, CAS, Prague, CZ |
Pavel Polach, PhD. | University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, CZ |
Vojtěch Radolf, PhD. | Institute of Thermomechanics CAS, Prague, CZ |
Prof. Eduard Rohan, DSc. | University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, CZ |
Prof. Zdenka Sant,PhD. | University of Malta, MT |
Prof. Ján Sládek, DSc. | ICA, SAS, Bratislava, SK |
Prof. Vladimír Sládek, DSc. | ICA, SAS, Bratislava, SK |
Prof. Milan Sokol, PhD. | Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, SK |
Assoc. Prof. Tadeusz Szymczak, Dsc. | Motor Transport Institute, Warsaw, PL |
Prof. Alexander Tesár, DSc. | ICA, SAS, Bratislava, SK |
Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Věchet, Ph.D | Brno University of Technology, Brno, CZ |
Prof. Pavel Vlasák, DSc. | Institute of Hydrodynamics, CAS, Prague, CZ |
Prof. Jaroslav Zapoměl, DSc. | Institute of Thermomechanics, CAS, Ostrava, CZ |
Prof. Vladimír Zeman, DSc. | University of West Bohemis in Pilsen, CZ |
Prof. Anatoly P. Zinkovskii, DSc. | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, UA |
Igor Zolotarev, PhD. | Institute of Thermomechanics CAS, Prague, CZ |
Ing. Pavel Cesnek | Managing Director of the ŽĎAS Inc. |
Cyril Fischer | ITAM, CAS, Prague, CZ |
Michael Formánek | ŽĎAS a.s., Žďár nad Sázavou, CZ |