Engineering Mechanics

International Conference

27/28th International Conference
Engineering Mechanics 2022

Conference Venue

For organizational reasons, we were forced to change the traditional venue of the conference. EM2022 will take place in the Devět skal Resort, which is 7 km from the town of Svratka. Following maps show the location of the hotel (GPS: 49° 40' 12.4104''N, 16° 5' 27.3912''E).

Hotel Devět Skal offers comfortable accommodation in single, double or triple rooms, and also variety of activities. Many tourist destinations are available in the beautiful countryside of Žďár Highlands, close to the conference venue – picturesque gneissic rock formations, historic conservation areas in cities (Polička) or villages (Krátká, Samotín), the UNESCO heritage site Zelená hora, etc.



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