Editors: Jiří Náprstek and Cyril Fischer
Copyright © 2015 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague
978-80-86246-42-0 (printed, Extended Abstracts)
ISSN 1805-8248
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)
keynote lectures |
M. Krejsa, P. Janas, V. Krejsa: Application of the DOProC Method in Solving Reliability Problems (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Kruis: Solution of Large Engineering Problems on Parallel Computers (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
papers |
O. Andrs, J. Vetiska, M. Holub, J. Kovar: Model Based Design of Fuel Pump Control (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
I. Baláž, Y. Koleková: Safety Factors γM0 and γM1 in Metal Eurocodes (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
I. Baláž, Y. Koleková: Bending, Torsion and Distortion of Thin-Walled Beams (Extended Abstract) |
D. Bártková, J. Langer, P. Dymáček, L. Válka: Determination of Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloys and Composites by Small Punch Testing (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Bayer, S. Pospíšil, S. Urushadze, B. Kasal: Changes of Dynamic Properties of a Timber Frame Due to Simulated Seismic Load: A Case Study (Extended Abstract) |
M. Bednarik, R. Holzer, R. Tornyai: Stone in Historical Architecture in Slovakia (Extended Abstract) |
G. Beketova, M. Shevtsova, V. Symonov: Comparison of Hybrid Metal-Composite Micropin Joints with Conventional Ones in Terms of Fatigue Life (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Benčat: Full-Scale Testing of the Highway Arch Viaduct (Extended Abstract) |
V. Benko, Ľ. Fillo, P. Kendický, V. Dvoranová: Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Concrete Slender Columns by Stability Failure (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Beňo, B. Patzák: On Choice of Lagrange Multipliers for Fictitious Domain Method for the Numerical Simulation of Incompressible Viscous Flow around Rigid Bodies (Extended Abstract) |
M. Bošanský, B. Patzák: Different Approaches to Parallelization of Vector Assembly (Full Text) |
T. Brožová, T. Luks, I. Astrouski, M. Raudenský: Fatigue Testing of Polymeric Hollow Fibre Heat Transfer Surfaces by Pulsating Pressure Loads (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Brůha, D. Rychecký: Modelling of Rotating Twisted Blades as 1D Continuum (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
I. Brych, M. Sýkora: Assessment of Cast-Iron Structures (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
A. Buljac, S. Pospíšil, H. Kozmar: Comparison of Flutter Derivatives for Kao Pin Hsi Bridge and Flat Plate (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Buzík, T. Létal: Influence of Vortex Excitation on the U-Tube Bundle (Extended Abstract) |
V. Cech, J. Jevicky, M. Jus: Simulation of the Motor Power of Line-of-Sight Stabilized Devices by Passing the Test Bump (Extended Abstract) |
J. Čečrdle, J. Maleček, V. Hlavatý, P. Malínek: Simulation of Nonlinear Characteristic of Aileron Attachment on Aeroelastic Demonstrator Using Active Electromagnetic Spring Concept (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
W. Danek, R. Lawniczek: Experimental Studies of Heat Flow Through the Radiator of Electric Motor in a Multi-Purpose Hybrid Vehicle (WIPH) (Extended Abstract) |
W. Danek, R. Lawniczek: Experimental Study of Heat Flow through the Cooling System of the Internal Combustion Engine in a Hybrid Vehicle WIPH (Extended Abstract) |
J. Dlugoš, P. Novotný, P. Raffai: Advanced Computational Analysis of Connecting Rod of an Aircraft Engine (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Doškář, J. Novák: Wang Tilings in Numerical Homogenization (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Doupník, T. Koutník: Validation Task for Solution of Optimal Slotted Flap Position Using FLUENT Software (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
R. Dubina, J. Eliáš: Dependence of the Discrete Model on the Internal Parameters Considering Grain Crushing (Extended Abstract) |
Š. Dyk, V. Zeman: Bifurcations in Mathematical Model of Nonlinear Vibration of the Nuclear Fuel Rod (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Eliáš: Adaptive Remeshing Technique in Discrete Models of Random Geometry (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Feistauer, M. Hadrava, J. Horáček, A. Kosík: Discontinuous Galerkin Simulation of Dynamic Elasticity and Application to Fluid-Structure Interaction (Extended Abstract) |
J. Fiedler, T. Koudelka: Nonlinear Behaviour of Concrete Foundation Slab (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
Ľ. Fillo, T. Augustín, J. Hanzel, V. Dvoranová: Punching Resistance of Flat Slabs (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Fürst: Numerical Simulation of Flows through Labyrinth Seals (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
Ľ. Gajdoš, M. Šperl: Fracture Toughness Testing for Improving the Safety of Gas Pipelines (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
G. Gembalczyk: Numerical and Experimental Study of Control Algorithm for Unloading System in Mechatronic Device for Gait Reeducation (Extended Abstract) |
Š. Gramblička, J. Frólo: Resistance of Composite Steel-Concrete Columns with Solid Steel Profile (Extended Abstract) |
A. Guran: Response of a Non-Linearly Damped Duffing Oscillator Including Non-Linear Restoring Force by Using a Variational Approach (Extended Abstract) |
J. Had, M. Růžička: Simulation of Damage in Hybrid Composite Cell Structure (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Hájek, P. Švancara, J. Horáček, J. Švec: Finite Element Modelling of the Effect of Stiffness and Damping of Vocal Folds Layers on their Vibrations and Produced Sound (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Halama, M. Vrátný: Numerical Solution of Humid Air Flow with Non-Equilibrium Condensation (Extended Abstract) |
J. Hanzel, L. Majtanova, J. Halvonik: Statistical Safety Evaluation of EC2 and MC 2010 – Model for Assessment of Punching Resistance of Footings (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Havelka, J. Sýkora, A. Kučerová: Uncertainty Analysis of Earth Dam (Extended Abstract) |
I. Havlikova, P. Frantik, J. Masek, J. Sobek, H. Simonova, V. Vesely, Z. Kersner, S. Seitl, I. Merta, A. Schneemayer: Evaluation of Fracture Tests of Concrete Specimens via Advanced Tool for Experimental Data Processing (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
V. Heidler, J. Vimmr, O. Bublík: CFD Analysis of the Coolant Flow in Fuel Assembly of the VVER1000 Type Reactor (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Hlaváček, V. Šmilauer, J. Vorel: Engineering Properties of Alkali Activated Fly Ash Foams (Extended Abstract) |
J. Holman: Unsteady Flow Past a Circular Cylinder Using Advanced Turbulence Models (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Holub, J. Vetiska, J. Knobloch, P. Minar: Analysis of Machine Tool Spindles under Load (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Horáček, V. Bula, V. Radolf, T. Vampola, M. Dušková: Aero-Acoustic and Vibration Characteristics of Self-Oscillating Artificial Vocal Folds (Extended Abstract) |
A. Horska, P. Jiricek, M. Foglar: Performance of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Specimens Subjected to Impact Loading (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Hortel, A. Škuderová: To the Analytical Analysis of the Internal Dynamics of Nonlinear Time Heteronymous Planetary Differential Systems (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
S. Hračov: Approximate Calculation of Eigen-Values of Linear Viscously Damped System with Passive Damping Element (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
V. Hric, J. Halama: Numerical Solution of Wet Steam Flow through Blade Stage (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
Z. Hutyrová, D. Mitaľ, M. Harničárová, J. Zajac, J. Valíček: Study of Surface Quality and Mechanical Properties of Composite Material Based on Natural Reinforcement (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
T. Hyhlík: Void Fraction Based Two Phase Flow Model of Natural Draft Wet-Cooling Tower (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Janas, L. Koubová, M. Krejsa: Load Carrying Capacity of Steel Arch Reinforcement Taking Into Account the Geometrical and Physical Nonlinearity (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
I. Jandejsek, L. Gajdoš, M. Šperl, D. Vavřík: Experimental Measurement of Elastic-Plastic Fracture Parameters Using Digital Image Correlation Method (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Janošťák, J. Stoniš, Z. Ramík: Risk-Based Inspection of Some Components of Power Plant Prunéřov-II (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
D. Janotová, K. Niedoba, P. Gláser, P. Šašek, R. Fabeš: Properties of Commercially Available, Ready-to-Use Mortars for the Restoration of Historic Renders and Masonry (Extended Abstract) |
E. Janouchová, A. Kučerová, J. Sýkora: Parameter Identification of Heterogeneous Materials from a Set of Destructive Experiments (Extended Abstract) |
I. Jebáček, M. Horák: Measuring of a Nose Landing Gear Load During Take-Off and Landing (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
T. Jelínek, P. Straka, M. Kladrubský: Aerodynamic Characteristics of Steam Turbine Prismatic Blade Section (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
O. Jiroušek, P. Koudelka, T. Fíla: Mechanical Properties of 3D Auxetic Structures Produced by Additive Manufacturing (Extended Abstract) |
L. Joch, R. Krautschneid: VVER-440 Steam Generator's Two-Phase Flow Analysis (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Jovanović, A. Guran, A.M. Simonović, N.D. Zorić, N.S. Lukić, S.S. Ilić: Exprimental Modal Analysis of a Rectangular Plate with Embedded Piezoelectric Actuators and Sensors (Extended Abstract) |
J. Kaděrová, J. Eliáš, M. Vořechovský: The Influence of Autocorrelation Length of Random Strength Stochastic Discrete Simulations (Extended Abstract) |
T. Kadlíček, T. Janda, M. Šejnoha: Calibration of Hypoplastic Models for Soils (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
T. Katrňák, J. Juračka: Detail Topometrical FEM Optimization of Wing Structural Panel (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Knotek, P. Novotný, O. Maršálek: Multibody Based Tool for Simulation of the Turbocharger Rotor Dynamics (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
F. Kolařík, B. Patzák, J. Zeman: Fresh Concrete Flow through Reinforcing Bars using Homogenization Approach (Extended Abstract) |
R. Kolman, S. Cho, K. Park: Partitioned Equations of Motion for Wave Propagation Problems in Solids (Extended Abstract) |
P. Koudelka, M. Neuhäuserová, T. Fíla, D. Kytýř: Deformation Mechanisms of Auxetic Microstructures for Energy Absorption Applications (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Koudelka: Experiment E7/0,3 – Time Behaviour of Active Pressure of Non-Cohesive Sand after Wall Translative Motion (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
T. Koudelka, J. Kruis: Modelling of Moisture Transport Influenced by Damage in Concrete Structures (Extended Abstract) |
T. Koutník: Wing Geometry Design Using Glauert's Method (Extended Abstract) |
K. Kovářová: The Influence of Internal Structure Change on Sandstone Strength (Extended Abstract) |
M. Kožíšek, J. Fürst, J. Příhoda, P. Doerffer: Implementation of k-kL-ω Turbulence Model for Compressible Flow into OPENFOAM (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
R. Král, S. Pospíšil: Numerical Investigation of Wind Effects on the Perforated Structures (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Kralik, A. Grmanova, M. Klabnik: Nonlinear Analysis of Fire Resistance of Composite Steel-Concrete Tube Colum (Extended Abstract) |
J. Králik, J. Králik jr.: Probabilistic Nonlinear Analysis of Bubble Tower Structure due to Extreme Pressure and Temperature (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Krejsa, M. Sýkora, M. Drahorád: Probabilistic Assessment of Historic Reinforced Concrete Bridge (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
V. Křístek, M. Škaloud, J. Kunrt, S. Urushadze: Problems of Lamella Flanges in Steel Bridge Construction (Extended Abstract) |
A. Kruisová, H. Seiner, P. Sedlák, M. Landa, B. Román-Manso, P. Miranzo, M. Belmonte: Acoustic Metamaterial Behaviour of 3D Periodic Structures Assembled by Robocasting (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
T. Kruml, P. Hlaváček, J. Foldyna, J. Tobiáš, J. Man: Effect of Pulsating Water Jet Peening on 316L Stainless Steel (Extended Abstract) |
M. Kubík, I. Mazůrek, O. Macháček: Decreasing of Sliding Friction in Hydraulic Piston Damper (Extended Abstract) |
P. Kučera, V. Píštěk: Computational Model of ATV Vehicle for Real-Time Simulation (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Kušnerová, J. Valíček, M. Harničárová: Prediction of Optimal Load and Performance of Thermal Batteries (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Kyncl, J. Pelant: Analysis of the Boundary Problem with the Preference of Mass Flow (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
D. Kytyr, T. Doktor, M. Adorna, M. Neuhauserova, J. Sleichrt, N. Fenclova, A. Gantar, S. Novak: Deformation Behaviour of Gellan Gum Based Scaffold Subjected to Compression Loading (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
K. Laco, V. Borzovič: Reliability of Approach Slabs and Modelling of Transition Zones of Bridge (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
D. Lehký, M. Šomodíková: Utilization of Artificial Neural Network Based Response Surface Method for Reliability Analysis of Structures (Extended Abstract) |
D. Macounová, K. Bayer, M. Navrátilová, Z. Slížková: Consolidation Testing of Porous Limestone Using Lime Nanomaterials: Optimization, Assessment of Stone Mechanical and Structural Characteristics (Extended Abstract) |
Š. Major, V. Kocour, Š. Hubálovský: Mechanics of Laser Cut Stent Grafts (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
Š. Major, D. Vavřík, V. Kocour, J. Bryscejn: The Influence of Deformation of the Frame of Testing Device on the Accuracy of Brazilian Test and Indirect Assessment of Young Modulus (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
D. Makovička, D. Makovička jr.: Failure of Window Glass Plate under Blast Load (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
O. Maršálek, P. Novotný, J. Knotek: Numerical Solution of Micro-Lubrication in Internal Combustion Engine Journal Bearing (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
V. Michalcová, L. Lausová: Numerical Calculation of Coefficient of Force for Cylindrical Shape Smokestack Covered with Corrugated Iron (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Michálek, D. Zacho: Experimental Study of Gas Dispersion over Complex Terrain (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Miczán, L. Bednář, M. Hoznedl, L. Tajč: Experimental Verification of the Unloaded Control Valve (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
K. Mikeš: Quasicontinuum Approach Applied to Inelastic Materials (Extended Abstract) |
J. Minster, P. Šašek: Microindentation Assessment of Climatic Loading Impacts on Polymer Sealants (Extended Abstract) |
M. Mlkvik, M. Zaremba, P. Stähle, H.P. Schuchmann, V. Gaukel, J. Jedelsky: Influence of the Primary Breakup Conditions on the Droplet Size of the Spray Generated by Twin Fluid Atomizers (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
E. Myšáková, M. Lepš: Adaptive Updating of Meta-Models in Hyperspherical Domains (Extended Abstract) |
J. Náprstek, C. Fischer: Non-Linear Normal Modes in Dynamics – Discrete Systems (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Navrátilová, K. Bayer, E. Ghaffari, D. Macounová, Z. Slížková, J. Weber: Modification of Protective Lime Coating Systems for the Porous Limestone Using Lime Nanomaterials: Assessment of Mechanical Properties and Ageing Resistance (Extended Abstract) |
I. Němec, H. Štekbauer: Dynamic Analysis of Cables on Pulleys Using the New Algorithm (Extended Abstract) |
L. Novotný, J. Marek, T. Marek: Issue of Rigidity of the Ball Screw Nut Exposed to Bending Stress during Bending Stress of the Ball Screw (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
L. Novotný, O. Učeň: Methodology of Geometry Testing and Measuring of Oversized Machine Tool Components and Their Verification Using the FEM Method (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
T. Panáček, M. Klapka: Reduction of Pneumatic Tyred Roller Fuel Consumption (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Pařík: Parallel Solver for Large Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Finite Element Problems (Extended Abstract) |
M. Pavlenko: Development of Technology of Controlled Wave Effects on Low-Carbon Array (Extended Abstract) |
L. Pečínka, M. Švrček: Acoustic Standing Waves in Primary Circuit of NPPs with WWER 1000 MW (Extended Abstract) |
J. Pejchar, M. Daniel, R. Popela: Mars Probe Soft Landing Test in the Earth Conditions (Extended Abstract) |
V. Petráňová, T. Sajdlová, J. Němeček: Micromechanical Homogenization of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
R. Pichal, J. Machacek: Stability of Stainless Steel Prestressed Stayed Columns (Extended Abstract) |
L. Podolka: Helical Reinforcements Can Be Replaced with Glass Reinforcements (Extended Abstract) |
A. Podstawka, M. Foglar, V. Kristek: Statistical Evaluation of Three and Four-Point Bending Tests of FRC (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Polach, J. Václavík: Two Approaches to the Simulations of City Bus Driving Tests (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
S. Pospíšil, P. Górski, S. Kuznetsov, M. Tatara, A. Marušić Variation of Strouhal Number on Iced Cable in Sub-Transitional Range (Extended Abstract) |
A. Pospíšilová, M. Lepš: Reconstruction of Random Media via Multi-Objective Optimization (Extended Abstract) |
M. Přinosil, P. Kabele: Mechanical Properties of Fiber Reinforced Lime-Based Mortar Evaluated from Four-Point Bending Tes (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
Z. Procházková, V. Králík, K. Doubrava, M. Šejnoha: Definition of Effective Material Properties of Recycled Plastic: Image Analysis and Homogenization (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
L. Půst, L. Pešek: Dynamics of Simple Planet Gearing Model (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
V. Radolf: Mathematical Modelling of the Sensitivity of Acoustic Resonance Properties to a Change in Volume of Lateral Cavities of the Human Vocal Tract (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
Z. Radová, L. Nouzovský: Measuring of Driving and Impact Dynamics of Cyclists (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Raffai, P. Novotný, J. Dlugoš: Computer Simulation of the Behavior of the Piston Ring Pack of Internal Combustion Engines (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
V. Rek, I. Němec: Parallel Computing Procedure for Dynamic Relaxation Method on GPU Using NVIDIA's CUDA (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
H. Řezníček, L. Beneš: Modelling of the Influence of Vegetative Barrier on Concentration of PM10 and PM2,5 from Highway (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
R. Řídký, L. Iván, M. Popovič: Ansys More than FEM (Extended Abstract) |
R. Řídký, M. Popovič, S. Rolc, M. Drdlová, J. Krátký: The Dynamic Response of Polymeric Composites (Extended Abstract) |
V. Řidký: Numerical Simulation of Flow in the Human Vocal Tract (Extended Abstract) |
J. Rosenberg, M. Štengl, M. Byrtus: Simple Model of the Cajal-Like Interstitial Cell and Its Analysis (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
Á. Rózsás, M. Sýkora, L. Vigh: Long-Term Trends in Annual Ground Snow Maxima for the Carpathian Region (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
D. Rypl, J. Vesecký: Parallel Data Mapping between Simplex Finite Element Meshes using Mesh Topology (Extended Abstract) |
V. Šána: Dynamic Analysis of the Structure Exposed to the Moving Periodic Force and Viscoelastic Models of the Human Body (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
F. Šebek, P. Kubík, J. Petruška: Verification of Ductile Fracture Criteria Based on Selected Calibration Tests (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Ševčík, P. Hutař, A. Kotousov, L. Náhlík: Fatigue Crack Front Behavior near the Free Surface (Extended Abstract) |
R. Sigalingging, D. Herák, A. Kabutey: Tangent Curve Mathematical Model for Illustration of Deformation Curve of Rapeseeds (Extended Abstract) |
V. Šíp, L. Beneš: Road Dust Emission Modelling (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Škaloud, M. Zörnerová, S. Urushadze: The “Miracle” of Post-Buckled Behaviour in Thin-Walled Steel Construction and its Breathing-Induced Limitation (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
Z. Slížková, D. Frankeová: Strengthening of Weak Historic Renders with Traditional and Innovated Consolidation Treatment (Extended Abstract) |
M. Šmídová, V. Sadílek, J. Eliáš, M. Vořechovský: Evaluation of Audze-Eglājs Criterion for Orthogonal and Regular Triangular Grids (Extended Abstract) |
J. Sobotka: Forced Vibration Analysis of Timoshenko Beam with Discontinuities by Means of Distributions (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
E. Stach, J. Falta, M. Sulitka: Analytical Solution of Hydrostatic Pocket Tilting (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
G.J. Stein, P. Tobolka, R. Chmúrny: Preliminary Investigations of Machine Frame Vibration Damping Using Eddy Current Principle (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Štemberk, M. Vaitová, M. Petřík: Estimation of Pressure Vessel Lower Head Impact Force (Extended Abstract) |
J. Stetina, T. Brezina, Z. Hadas: Dynamic Analysis of Mechatronic System with Ball Screw (Extended Abstract) |
F. Kolařík, B. Patzák, J. Zeman: Influence of the Radial Gap Under the Stator Blade on Flow Around the Hub-end of the Rotor Blade (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Stránský, M. Doškář: Stochastic Wang Tiles Generation Using the Discrete Element Method (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Stránský: Determination of the Turning Knife Thermal Stress during Longitudinal Turning (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
K. Šubrt, R. Knoflíček, P. Houška: Comparison of Energy Efficiency of the Redundant Actuation of Positioning Axes (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Šulc, L. Pešek, V. Bula, J. Cibulka, J. Košina: Frequency Analysis of Torsion Vibration of Hard Rubbers under Finite Deformations (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Sváček: On the Finite Element Method Application for Approximation of Free-Surface Flows with Surface Tension (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Švancara, J. Horáček, P. Hájek, M Matug, J.G. Švec: Comparing the Use of Compressible and Incompressible Flow in the FE Model of Human Vocal Folds Self-Oscillation (Extended Abstract) |
B. Svoboda, J. Svoboda, R. Kašpar: Impact of Landslide on Blasting in the Quarry Dobkovičky (Extended Abstract) |
D. Svoboda: Kinematic Excitation of the Rotor (Extended Abstract) |
O. Svoboda, J. Machacek: Influence of Textile Membrane on Stability of Supporting Steel Arch (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Svoboda, D. Kostal, I. Křupka: Study of Scale Effect in a Starved Elastohydrodynamically Lubricated Contact (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Syrovátková, M. Petrů, M. Novotná: Crash Test of Carbon Composite (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
K. Szkoda, C. Pezowicz: Influence of Vertebral Compression Fractures on the Deformation in Thoracolumbar Spine (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
K. Szkoda, C. Pezowicz, M. Żak: The Influence of Facet Joint Load Transmission in the Spine Column on the Mechanical Properties of the Intervertebral Disc in Finite Element Modeling (Extended Abstract) |
A. Tesár: Aeroelastic Response of Slender Full Sky Telescope (Extended Abstract) |
V. Tesař: Fluidic Relaxation Oscillators for Microbubble Generation (Extended Abstract) |
V. Tesař: Fluidic Oscillators with Active Devices Operating in Anti-Parallel (Extended Abstract) |
R. Tišlová, A. Novotná: Repair Formulations for Fine-Grained Stone Arte-Facts (Extended Abstract) |
V. Tsymbalyuk: Influence of the Natural Frequency Mistuning and the Damping and Kinematic Properties of Blades on Subsonic Flutter Stability of Blading (Extended Abstract) |
S. Urbanová, J. Vorel, M. Šejnoha: Modeling of Nonlinear Behavior of Textile Composites (Extended Abstract) |
S. Urushadze, M. Pirner, O. Fischer: Wind Tunnel Experimental Study of Coupled Rocking-Swivelling Model of Guyed Mast Shaft (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Valach, B. Wolf, E. Paulová, S. Urushadze: Assessment of Vibrations in Museum's Environment (Extended Abstract) |
J. Valášek, P. Sváček, J. Horáček: Numerical Simulation of Interaction of Fluid Flow and Elastic Structure Modelling Vocal Fold (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
T. Vampola, J. Horáček: Numerical Simulation of the Speaker's Formant for Different Geometric Configuration of the Human Vocal Tract (Extended Abstract) |
V. Vančík, M. Jirásek: Computer-Aided Plastic Limit Analysis of Plates (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Vetiska, Z. Hadas, M. Holub: Multidisciplinary Multi-Body Modeling of Machine Tools (Extended Abstract) |
M. Vilémová, B. Nevrlá, Z. Pala, L. Kocmanová, M. Janata, J. Matějíček, D. Tonarová: Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Tungsten Prepared by Ball Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Vimmr, A. Jonášová, O. Bublík: Assessment of Carotid Stenoses by the Principle of Fractional Flow Reserve Derived from CT (Extended Abstract) |
V. Vlček, M. Štěpán, I. Zolotarev, J. Kozánek: Experimental Investigation of the Flutter Incidence Range for Subsonic Flow Mach Numbers (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Voldřich, J. Lazar: The Influence of Parameters of Interface Contact Elements of the LSB48 Blade's Computational Model on the Resonant Frequencies of the Bladed Disc (Extended Abstract) |
H. Votavová, M. Pohanka: Study of Water Jets Collision of High Pressure Flat Jet Nozzles for Hydraulic Descaling (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Weis, J. Cejpek, J. Juračka: Acoustic Emission Localization in the Dynamic Fatigue Testing of a Composite Wing (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
B. Wieczorek: Determining the Distribution of Forces in Reinforcing Bars in Slab-Column Connections of Reinforced Concrete Structures (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
B. Wieczorek: Numerical Model on the Example of Experimental Investigations of a Punching in the Central Connection of the Slab with the Column Situated Eccentrically (Extended Abstract) |
M. Wieczorek: Attempt of Numerical Mapping of a Real Model of Slab-Beam Connection Using the Simplified Shell Model (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
M. Wieczorek: Proposed Way of Calculating the Value of the Failure Load in the Span Zone of Slab-Column Structures (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
P. Wątroba: Numerical Simulation of Aerodynamic Forces Which Have an Impact on the Pantograph (Extended Abstract) |
J. Zahálka, F. Bradáč, J. Tůma, M. Synek: Issues with Determination of Mean Time to Dangerous Failure and Diagnostic Coverage in Safety Functions of Machine Tools (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Žák: Modelling of Textile Structures (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
J. Zapoměl, J. Kozánek, P. Ferfecki: Investigations of Transient Oscillations of Rotors Supported by Magnetorheological Squeeze Film Dampers Using Bilinear Material to Model the Lubricant (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
V. Zeman, Z. Hlaváč: Prediction of the Nuclear Fuel Rod Abrasion in the Probability Sense (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
A. Zinkovskii, V. Kruts, E. Sinenko, I. Tokar: Influence of Elastic Characteristics of Regular System on the Vibrodiagostic Parameter Due to the Presence of a Breathing Crack (Extended Abstract) |
A. Zinkovskii, K. Savchenko, Y. Kruglii: Influence of the Conditions for Coupling of the Shrouds on the Static Stress State of Blade Rings (Extended Abstract) |
P. Zlámal, T. Fíla, V. Králík: Testing of Energy Absorption Capability of Sandwich Structures Based on Metal Foams for Design of Protective Helmets (Extended Abstract) (Full Text) |
L. Zrůbek, A. Kučerová, J. Novák: Artificial Neural Network in Approximation of Solution for Short-Cylinder-Shaped Inclusion Problem (Extended Abstract) |